Obesity Overweight

Obesity isn’t a condition that must be viewed in isolation. It’s not just about weight gain problems, it’s about dietary concerns.

Weight management is also in your control. It’s achievable in the everyday diet, timing of meals, portion sizes, avoidance of unhealthy fats and sugars.

Consulting your doctor about obesity is a good idea because it isn’t just a lifestyle issue, it’s a medical issue too.

Here are a few tips to get the process started…

• Get a healthy meal plan, keeping track of calories – eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and lean proteins
• Exercise for at least 30 minutes daily – make a slow but steady start and add some simple muscle building routines
• Learn to stay stress-free – try yoga, meditation or breathing exercises and don’t keep worrying about your weight
• Keep your body well hydrated – drink more plain water and not tea, coffee, sugary juices or fizzy drinks
• Check your health – obesity could cause hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol and heart disease
• Tell your doctor about your genetics – if there’s a family history of obesity, you’ll need to address that

Body mass index, or BMI, is the most common measure of obesity. It is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by height in metres squared.
A result of 25 or higher is considered as obese. Making simple lifestyle changes can help you manage the condition.

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