
What is varicose:
Varicose veins, also known as varicoses or varicosities, occur when your veins become enlarged, dilated, and overfilled with blood. Varicose veins
typically appear swollen and raised, and have a bluish-purple or red color. They are often painful.
Some potential causes for varicose veins include:
Age over 50
Standing for long periods of time
Family history of varicose veins
Symptoms of varicose veins
The primary symptoms of varicose veins are highly visible, misshapen veins, usually on your legs. You may also have pain, swelling, heaviness,
and achiness over or around the enlarged veins.
In some cases, you can develop swelling and discoloration. In severe cases, the veins can bleed significantly, and ulcers can form.
How To Prevent Varicose Veins:
There are many reasons why varicose veins form. Age, family history, gender, pregnancy, obesity, hormonal replacement therapy, lengthy periods of
sitting or standing, and others are risk factors. Some of these risk factors are more difficult to prevent than others, such as age or family history.
But is it possible to stop varicose veins from developing?
Sadly, the response is no. But you can stop existing varicose veins from getting worse. To put off vein issues as long as possible, you can also lead a
healthy lifestyle. Here are some pointers.

  1. Exercise regularly.
    Your leg muscles are your biggest allies. Why? They help your veins push blood to the heart. This is very useful since your muscles are working against
    gravity. Any leg exercises will also help prevent the appearance of new varicose veins.
  2. Lose weight if you’re overweight
    You’re placing more stress on your legs if you are overweight or obese. Losing weight can also keep new varicose veins from forming. There’s a lot of
    benefits to losing weight other than helping with varicose veins. It also reduces your risk of heart disease, stroke, and Type 2 diabetes.
  3. Avoid standing or sitting for a long time.
    Today’s office workers are at greater risk of developing varicose veins or making them worse. Remember to take a break at least every half hour and stand
    up and walk for a short while, even if it’s just to the break room and back. This forces the leg muscles to move blood toward your heart more than
    when you’re in a sedentary position.
    If your job requires you to stand for long periods of time, try to schedule a similar break to sit for a while.
  4. Don’t wear tight-fitting clothes.
    This can place more pressure on your legs, which can make varicose veins worse.
  5. Be sure to put your feet up.
    When possible, place your feet on a chair or stool positioned so the blood will be able to flow back toward your heart. This is particularly important
    if you have a job that requires you to stand or sit for long periods of time.
  6. Wear support pantyhose
    This is also a good preventative measure to take to help keep varicose veins from forming. These do not place as much pressure as compression stockings,
    but for many, this is all they need.
  7. Invest in a compression hose.
    You can purchase these over-the-counter or you can ask your doctor for a prescription-strength compression hose. Pressure on the ankle and lower leg
    helps blood move back toward your heart

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